Minggu, 05 Juni 2011



Bintang yang terang
sinarmu sungguh indah
keindahanmu mengingatkan a
pada seseorang…………
dimana aku sangat merindukannya
malam yang begitu sunyi……….
mengapa dia tak hadir untuk menemaniku
angin yang berhembus dengan kencang……….
Tuhan sampaikan salam ku padanya
bahwa aku sangat merindukannya
kuingin dia selalu mencintaiku
dimanapun dia melangkah...

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

About Mitha "TV"

Biografi Mitha The Virgin Band

mitha the virgin bandPada tau khan Mitha The Virgin Band yang juga pernah ngetop dengan sebutan Mitha The Rock Indonesia? Yuppy.. olah vokal Mitha awalnya ga’ kedenger gaungnya saat cuman ada di posisi gitar di TRI, tapi begitu masuk formasi The Virgin Band ‘n nongol ama Lagu Cinta Terlarang, suara Mitha mantaps abiss..
Mitha The Virgin
Profil Mitha The Virgin Band | Biografi Mitha The Rock Indonesia :
  • Nama Lengkap : Christawati Haryati Pramitha | Cameria Happy Pramita
  • Nama Panggilan : Mitha
  • Nama Artis : Mitha The Virgin | Mitha The Rock Indonesia
  • Tempat Lahir : Jakarta
  • Tanggal Lahir : 2 Januari 1986
  • Hobi : Ngapain aja
  • Nama Ibu : Emmy Sofyana
  • Pendidikan Terakhir : SMA
  • Makanan Favorite : Bakso
  • Grup musik Favorite : Muse
  • Jenis Musik Paling Diminati : Apa aja!! Buat mitha musik itu adalah karya cipta terindah, jadi semuanya mitha suka.
  • Posisi : Gitaris | Vokalis
  • Grup Band : The Rock Indonesia Band | The Virgin Band
  • Lagu Ciptaan Mitha : Lagu Cinta Terlarang | Lagu Belahan Jiwa , Lagu Love 1/2 Mati , Lagu Demi Nama Cinta , Lagu Sayangku & Album Yes I'am ;)

"Cuma Tugass" pemerkosaan ;)


"TUGAS" sekolahhku tercintroong....:D



200 g gula pasir, 100 ml air, ½ sdt vanili bubuk, 1 kg singkong, kupas, cucipewarna, sesuai selera Taburan:100 g kelapa agak muda, kupas, parut, kukus dengan sedikit garam + keju..

Cara membuat:
Rebus gula, air, dan vanili hingga mendidih dan gula larut. Angkat dan saring, dinginkan.Potong-potong singkong, kukus hingga empuk. Angkat Selagi panas, tumbuk singkong hingga halus.Bubuhi pewarna, aduk hingga rata.Bentuk adonan sesuai selera. Giling dengan cetakan atau potong sesuai selera. Sajikan dengan taburan kelapa parut. Untuk 20 potong

permainan Ball bekel..



This is the equivalent of western jacks, and is commonly played by Indonesian girls. The shape of the bekel differs from the western jacks in that they are flat with a small bridge holding the two sides together. On the upper side of the biji bekel there is a small red dot that is called the pit. The under side of the bekel is called a roh. On one of the flat sides of the biji bekel there are small indentations or dots and the other side is smooth.
bola bekelThe game is played is a similar method to jacks, but with a few differences. When the game is started, the biji bekel are all held in the hand of the player and are dropped as the ball is allowed to bounce one time. The player then starts to play by attempting to pick up the biji bekel one at a time without disturbing any of the other biji bekel within the time that it takes the ball to bounce once.
If the player successfully has picked up all of the bekel, he then drops them again and starts the second set of the game. In this set he must attempt to position the biji bekel with the pit facing up again one at a time. This action must be completed while the player throws the ball in the air and allows it to bounce one time. The player must attempt to turn over the bekel without moving any of the other bekel.
If the player completes this successfully, he then picks up the biji bekel one at a time while throwing the ball in the air until he has all of the biji bekel in his hand. He then drops them all again and now picks the biji bekel up two at a time and then three at a time, etc. until he picks up all the biji bekel with one sweep of the hand.
He drops them again and now starts the roh set. The player must attempt to turn over all the biji bekel so the roh side is now facing up. It is permitted to pick up more than one group of the set number while the ball is being thrown in the air. For example if the player is picking up groups of two while the ball is being thrown in the air, he may grab three groups of two bekel. The action of grabbing a set number of bekel is called cek.
If the player moves any of the biji bekel that he is not attempting to pick up, or if he drops any of the biji bekel in his hand, he loses his turn and it goes to the next player. A skilled player can go through many sets of the game before he makes a mistake and has to turn the bekel over to the next player. The player that completes the most sets without making a mistake is considered the winner of the game.
The name is derived from the Dutch game"bikkelen" using the same copper "bikkels".


    Aku adalah kucing rumah
Setiap hari kutunggu dewa untuk memberiku makan dari langit
Semakin kutunggu, semakin dia iba
Sepotong ikan jatuh dari langit, yummy…
Setiap hari aku berdoa kepada-Nya
Mengeong, lari untuk mendekat
Tapi hari ini lain, Dewa mungkin tlah hilang
Kutanya ayam betina, kemanakah Sang
Petok… Petok… Ku tak tahu, petok…
Kutanya ayam jantan, kemanakah Sang Dewa?
Kukuruyuk… Entahlah… Kukuruyuk…
Perutku kering, tak ada ikan jatuh dari langit
Perutku perih, aku berjanji apapun akan aku makan
Tubuhku lemas, aku tak bisa berdiri lagi
Menyesal, kenapa tidak dari kemarin aku berburu sendiri
Dewa, jangan biarkan hambamu mati kelaparan
Tolonglah aku, berkatilah aku, Dewa…